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Unit 2 Discussion Questions

Log onto your Edmodo account and answer the following questions:


Tell us a little bit about yourself. Be sure to include your name, grade level, why you chose to take drivers education and then share with us a fun story you have about an experience you have already with driving, someone else driving or maybe just a fun story about your summer.



Remember that your discussion questions posts must be "substantive" and you are responsible for replying to 2 of your classmates posts by the end of the week and those responses must be substantive as well. You cannot simply reply to a classmate with a one word or even one sentence reply. The response must be thought provoking or keeping the conversation going by asking an intelligent, insightful question.


Substantive posts on the message boards

A post or message that demonstrates substance contributes to the understanding and application of ideas by doing one or more of the following:


Reflection about meaning: Describe thoughtfully what something means or new insights it provides, or raise a question as a seed for clarification or further discussion.


Analysis: Discuss relevant themes, concepts, main ideas, components, or relationships among ideas. Or, identify hidden assumptions or fallacies in reasoning.


Elaboration: Build on ideas of others or ideas found in the readings by adding details, examples, a different viewpoint,. or other relevant information.


Application: Provide examples of how principles or concepts can be applied to actual situations, or discuss the implications of theory for practice.


Synthesis: Integrate multiple views to provide a summary, a new perspective, or a creative refashioning of ideas.

Evaluation: Assess the accuracy, reasonableness, or quality of ideas.


Note: A substantive message does not have to be long. Not all long posts are substantive, and not all short posts are nonsubstantive.




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