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Chapter 3


  • 2 Part bell work (due at the end of class Friday)

  • Seat belt advertisement (due at the end of class Friday): Imagine that you have been selected by a marketing company to make an 8 x 11 magazine advertisement to notify teenagers the danger of not buckling up while riding in a motor vehicle. For this project you will use an 8x 11 piece of computer paper and draw your advertisement. You must include a title, a catchy slogan for your campaign and at least 3 facts that outline the dangers/risk of not wearing your seat belt. You will be graded on these 3 elements as well as your creativity, neatness, and ability to manage time wisely and display a thoughful well drawn out advertisement.


  • This project is to be done on your own. 

  • Examples of some poster ideas, but they must still meet the above requirments:






























































Next week:

  • Read and review power point presentations for chapters 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4

  • Vocab

  • Pre assessment- Indicator lights and controls what are they?​ (in class)

  • What am I? worksheet

  • Chapter 3 Work Sheet

  • 3.1 #1 & Chapter review- preparing for the test #5

  • Project - Draw the entire instrument panel of a car.  Label and describe the location, function, and operation of each device on the panel. Be creative and neat. Be prepared to discuss your drawing. Complete instrument panel project (final draft is done a piece of computer paper, 12 items are clearly drawn and labeled for full credit).



Vocabulary Assignment- Chapter 3



Do Vocabulary Worksheet at this link! 


Make sure you "make a copy" and Turn in via Jupiter


Chapter 3 Work sheet

Open the document below and complete the work sheet. When finished submit it through Jupiter Grades. This assignment will be due at the end of chapter 3.



Chapter 3 Worksheet - DR ED


"Make a copy"

Instrument panel project

Draw the entire instrument panel of a car. 


  • Label and describe 12 items on the instrument panel you have created.

  • Be sure they are clearly drawn and labeled, located in the proper place.

  • Each function and operation of each item on the panel must be clearly decribed.

  • Be creative and neat. Be prepared to discuss your drawing with the class.


Here are a few examples of what an instrument panel looks like:


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