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Day 66- Do the review questions at the end of section 18.4


Day 65 - How do you get to school? How do you wish you got to school? What are some other ways are there to get to school? What way is best for the environment? 


Day 64 - find three facts about how the use of vehicles or improper maintenance is bad for the environment.


Day 63 -No Bell Work


Day 62 - Explain why tires are important for safety and control of you vehicle 


Day 61 - define these car safety features:

1. Electronic stability control 

2. Side-impact Airbags

3. Tire pressure monitory system

4. Backup camera

5. Lane departure warning

6. Variable Ride Height Suspension 


Day 60 - Go on a car sales website or app and pick 3 cars you want to buy and why? Your budget is $10,000. List how the following would help your (or not).  Reviews, where the car was built, what style of car it is, mileage, color, and features. 


Day 59 - list the 5 steps for exiting the freeway

Day 58 - Explain what a reversible lane is.  And how its used


Day 57 - Answer this question in a short paragraph

"How does understanding the numbering system on route markers help you be a safe driver?"




Day 55

Read section 15.3

In a paragraph summarize the process to pass a vehicle on a 2 way road. Include Deciding to pass, preparing to pass and executing the pass. Also list risks for passing


Day 54

Click this linkto look at this picture:

list 5 potential problems with driving here 


Day 53

draw a map of your drive / ride to school. Include all intersections and the type of intersection they are.


Day 52

Answer the following question in a paragraph

I will/will not smoke marijuana because (don't lie, no judgement):  Be sure to included driving in your reasoning.


Day 51

Answer the following questions in complete sentences:

Why do drivers speed?

What are the legal consequences of speeding?

When does speeding have a high collision potential

What good habits can drivers develop to avoid speeding?


Day 50 

Read Chapter 14 section 3 and 4

define the following:

Cover the break

ride the break


blind intersection


Day 49

Read Chapter 14 section 1 and 2

Write a "fan fiction" type story about someone famous that got stuck in a traffic jam. Make it appropriate because I'm going to read some in front of the class. Make sure you use the terms: 3-second following distance, traffic density  and how they used the IPDE Process. 


Day 48

Read Sections 13.4 & 13.5

now study on the internet and explain to me in a paragraph what you have to do in the state of Arizona if you get in collision and what is the law pertaining to mandatory insurance in our state.


Day 47

Read section 13.2 and 13.3

In essay form answer the review Questions 13.2 #3 and #4

and 13.3 #5 and #6



Day 46

Chapter 13  

Vehicle Malfunctions Read section 13.1 and Name and describe 4 vehicle malfunctions


Day 45 No Bell Work


Day 44

Watch "emergency driving situations (13 min)"and then number the Steps

In the picture below, a collision has resulted in injury and damage. Number the following steps in the correct order.





                  ________  Exchange information with others involved.

                  ________  Aid the injured.

                 ________  Pull off the roadway and stop.

                  ________ Send for the police.

                  ________  Prevent further damage.



Day 43

First- In a complete sentence tell me- In the state of Arizona is it required to have motor vehicle insurance? Second- Create a list of the 5-10 factors the influence the cost of your vehicle insurance



Day 42

Chapter 11.2 and 11.3 

Answer the end of section review questions


Day 41

Have you ever been in an emergency situation? If so what was the situation and how did you handle it? If you have not, I want you to DESCRIBE (not just list) a type of emergency situation and how you would handle it. Fell free to use your book, power point presentations and chapter materials to accurately answer the question.


Day 40

Chapter 11

Read Chapter 11

sections 11.1 - 11.2

Write 5 sentences as an overview of these  sections


Day 39 

Read Chapter 10.4, 10.5 and 10.6

Define the following:

Uncontrolled Intersection

Active Railroad crossing

Passive Railroad Crossing



Day 38 - No Bell Work ​



Day 37 Read Chapter 10.1,  10.2 and 10.3

Define the following:

Right of Way


Joining Traffic

Fresh Green Light

Stale Green Light

Unprotected Left Turn

Protected Left Turn

Delayed Green Light


Day 36

Before you start today's bell work, watch the following video with the class:


Write a short story (5-6 sentence minimum) about a time you witnessed a in or outside the vehicle distraction. Be as descriptive as possible.

Things to think about: How was it resolved? How did it begin? What could be done differently? Did the driver/passengers learn anything?



Day 35 No bell Work



Day 34

Read chapter 10.1 and 10.2


Day 33 - No Bell Work


Day 32 - No Bell Work


Day 31 - 

Chapter 9 has several vocabulary words

Create a document and write the definitions for the following

(definition from the text book)

1. Perception Time

2. Reaction Time

3. Center of Gravity

4. Pitch

5. Traction

6. Gravity


Day 30 -  Chapter 9 - ​

9.1 and 9.2 talk about natural laws that effect driving

1. Make up a game that can teach kids these laws

2. Write the game description and rules in a good doc.



Day 29 - Read section 8.2 and relate a time that you saw an inside the vehicle distraction almost cause an accident


Day 28 - Chapter 8 Read Section 8.1 and list 10 distractions


Day 27- Read sections 7.2, 7.3 & 7.4


Day 26- Chapter 7.1 Read this section. google DUI laws in Arizona and give an explanation


Day 25 - Write a paragraph answering this question: What strategies can you use to overcome negative peer pressure as it relates to drinking as well as drinking and driving. 


Day 24

Watch the video clip- "Fast & Furious" before answering questions:


In your opinion, why are teens willing to risk their lives to race cars? What do they gain?


If a “street racer” has a crash and survives, but kills a passenger or another driver who happens to be on the road, what should the consequences be? Explain your reasoning.


Day 23 - Read Chapter 6.3 Answer review question #5 in a paragraph

Day 22 - Chapter 6 section 6.2 read this section.  Write a paragraph explaining how you can manage your sensory distractions. 

Day 21- Chapter 6 section 6.1 Read this section then write the definitions for: Road Rage, Aggressive Driving, Anxiety effects on driving and emotional control.


Day 20 NO Bell Work


Day 19

Read Chapter 5.1 with a partner and then write a fake story about a major mistake NOT using the IPDE process 



Day 18

Chapter 5 focuses on a process called the IPDE process. Please define and describe what each letter of this process stands for:






Day 17


Answer the following questions


1.) What was the best driving advice given to you from your parents, instructor, or friends about driving?


2.) Do you or will you follow that advice today? if not, why?


3.) What types of conditions are the hardest to drive in? Why?


Day 16

Read Chapter 4.3

Write a 5 sentence paragraph summary


Day 15 

Read Chapter 4.2

Read chapter 4.2 describe the 7 steps to making a right or left hand turn. 


Day 13

Read Chapter 4.1 and describe 3 reasons to use your mirrors when on a busy freeway



Day 12 Answer questions (3):

Question 1-        3.1 only question #1

Question 2- From the Chapter review- preparing for the test #5 only




Day 10 & Day 11- No Bell Work​


Day 9

Copy and paste the picture below and then label the following indicator lights: Use the chart at the bottom of chapter 3 "weekly assignments" to help you!











Using your memory or the book if necessary:

Identify and label all 7 positions on the shift indicator lever:
















Day 8




Part 1


Copy and paste the following for your bell work and then answer the following:


How often do you forget to wear your seat belt? (Highlight one of the following)

Frequently           Sometime            Seldom                Never


Do you or would you make your passengers wear one?

Frequently            Sometime            Seldom                Never


When you get in the car, what is typically the first thing you do?





Part 2- Watch the 2nd video clip and then copy and paste this in your bell work


Knowing the potential consequence of not doing so, what could be done to encourage more drivers to buckle their seat belts? Advertising, video of the consequences, statistics, emotional appeals?

Explain at  least one idea below.





What are some of the excuses people use for not wearing seat belts? Are they good reasons?





Do most drivers feel the way that Nate Strahan originally felt about his passengers wearing seat belts:



  • Is it their business?

  • What would make them change their minds?

  • What can you say to your passengers to get them to wear seat belts?

  • What would you say to your friends if you were a passenger and others were not wearing seat belts?



Day 7

Everyone take out a textbook from the back of the room and read chapter 2.3. Also, review the power point for 2.3 that can be found under weekly assignments "unit 3". After that, answer the end of chapter questions on page 36. All questions 1-5 should be answered and answered in complete sentences. 


Day 6

Everyone take out a textbook from the back of the room and read chapter 2.2.  After that, answer the end of chapter questions on page 30. All questions 1-5 should be answered and answered in complete sentences. 


Day 5

Everyone take out a textbook from the back of the room and read chapter 2.1.  After that, answer the end of chapter questions on page 26. All questions 1-5 should be answered and answered in complete sentences. 



Day 4

Bell Work-


  • How will driving change your life?

  • Give 2 Laws that keep drivers/pedestrians safe?

  • What are 2 Safety features that keep driver and passengers safe?

  • Using more than 2 sentences to answer the following: How does ego self image and peer pressure affect risk factors?


Day 3

Bell Work-


What is the process for getting your permit and what is the process for getting your license?


Consider the following: How do you get a permit? (is there a fee? A test you have to pass? Where do you go? Does your guardian have to be there?. What about your license? Is there a written test? What is the score you have to get on the test? Is there an actual driving test? How do you pass that? Is there a fee to get your license? Are there restrictions on when you can drive? How about who you can drive with?


These are just some of the things you should be thinking about when explaining your answer, please be thorough in your explanation.



Day 2

Bell Work-

43% of teenage motor vehicle deaths occur between the hours of 9pm and 6 am why do you think? Find a statistic online that supports your opinion and be sure to add the link to the site on your bell work.



Day 1

Bell work-

look through textbook chapter 1, what does HTS stand for?, IPDE process explain what it is?, list 1 environmental responsibility of being a driver?


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