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Unit 1

  • Review course syllabus and have it signed by a parent/guardian and then returned to you instructor (25 pts). If at anytime you need to review the syllabus, a copy of one can be found under the "course materials" tab of this classroom website.

  • A refence guide will be a word document that you create that will contain all of your log in information for the various websites that you will be using throughout this course.

  • Below you will find step by step instructions of which websites you need to create log in information for- Google, Edmodo and Jupiter Grades.

  • Once you complete the reference guide be sure to save it to your desktop and to your H-Drive.

  • After saving the reference guide you will log on to JupiterGrades and submit the word document file through the use of turn in box in Jupiter Grades.

Google Account
  • Signing on to your google account is an important peice to this course. Logging into your google account will allow you to access specific YouTube videos that you will need to watch in order to complete certain assignments for this course.

  • If you know your school issued google account log-in and password go ahead and log in and follow the instructions for the rest of this assignment.

  • If you do not know your google log-in nformation you can get it from your insructor then log on to your Google account

  • After you log in watch the following link to help you with some of your other assignments.

Jupiter Grades
Google Classroom
Syllabus- 25 points
Reference Guide- 50 points
Using Google Classroom- 25 points

Reference guide

Click on the following link to access Jupiter Grades:   


If you already know your log in information go ahead add it to your reference guide and log in. If you do not know your log in information please see Coach Larson and he will have it for you. Once you get the log in information be sure to add it to your reference guide and then log in.

From your google account click the apps and find the google classroom icon.


Use the following group code to access our digital classroom:       gsqang


you will be turning in assignments this way


Click on the following icon to see an example of what a completed reference guide should look like.

Turn-in box in jupiter

Now that you have complted your reference guide you will need to first make sure you have saved the file and know where on the computer you have saved that file. Next, you will use Jupiter Grades to turn in your reference guide. If you need help on how to submit an assignment to jupiter grades, please follow this link:



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