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Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Assignments:


Bell work


Edmodo Discussion Question

Test your knowledge

Choose the action


Power point creation- Step by step guide to safety





Test your knowledge

Visual Aides

Choose the action

Power point creation- Step by step guide to safety

Create a step by step guide (power point) on how to: Break failure (13.1), Change a tire, jump start a car and what to do in a vehicle emergency (13.4).

This project must be done on your own, it is not ok to work with a partner.

Use your chapter power point presentations, textbook, and information from the web. If you use information from the web, be sure to include the site in which it was retrieved.

Supplemental materials:

Information on insuring your vehicle/collisions/emergencies


Emergency Driving Situations (13 min):


Step by step guide on how to:


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