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Combs High School Drivers Education

Coach Larson

(480) 882-3540, ext. 7669



TEXT: Drive Right 11th Edition        COURSE WEBSITE:

Course Goal: To prepare students with the information and skill necessary to safely operate a motor vehicle.


Course Objectives

At the conclusion of this course you should be able to:


  1. Apply traffic laws and the Rules of the Road to various roadway situations and conditions.

  2. Develop the essential decision making skills for safe operation of a motor vehicle.

  3. Describe general performance capabilities of motor vehicles as well as physical and natural factors thateffect vehicle control systems.

  4. Describe the legal and moral responsibilities for a person involved in a traffic crash situation, the financialresponsibility law and minimum insurance coverage.

  5. Demonstrate knowledge of theD.U.I. laws to assure students make appropriate decisions in regard to the use of alcohol and other drugs before operating or riding in a motor vehicle.

  6. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of operations, skills, and laws pertaining to motorcycle usage and their impact on automobile traffic.

  7. Demonstrate skill and competency in performing basic maneuvers in operation of a motor vehicle underactual driving conditions.

  8. Develop an understanding of basic car care.


Supplies: Come to class prepared as you would for any other class. You will need a notebook, something to write with and a folder as you will be in charge of holding on to all of your own coursework.


Driver Education Rules:

1. No disrespect towards the teacher, other student or the classroom.

2. Be on time to class.

3. Follow all lab rules.

4. Turn in your work and do your best work!




Evaluations: Daily work, Rules of the Road exam, Chapter exams, Quizzes, Homework, AND Behavior


90-100% = A

80-89% = B

70-79% = C

60-69% = D 59 and below



I appreciate the opportunity to work with your child and assist you in helping them safely learn the rules of the road and become responsible young drivers. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, or ideas. Email is the quickest opportunity for me to respond.  Please fill out the information below as your child must return this page by Monday, August 8, 2016 to avoid any point deductions and begin participating in class.


– Thank you, Coach Larson.







(Cut and Return Below Portion of Syllabus)





 Student Name (please print) ________________________________________________Period__________________


 Parent/Guardian Signature______________________________________________

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